Friday, September 5, 2014

!! WARNING: Rant !!

So, basically. 
I haven't talked to my dad in a matter of weeks [coming up on months]. I see the pain. I know how it hurts. It hurts me. I feel it. Every time I try to address problems to MYSELF, I become overwhelmed and go sleep, eat, Netflix, or all of the above. 

I appreciate how he tries, but really? After only 2 unanswered (Because Mastering Chemistry [online chem homework] was due in an hour and I still had 87 questions to answer that I hadn't learned wtf they meant yet. So. Sorry?) attempts at contacting me, he then goes on to ask my grandmother to give me a ride. And ask, "Why are you ignoring your dad?" I told her the truth, I was just really busy and just forgot about it. I had homework that needed to be done right then, and so I did it. That was my priority. My apologies. She understood, bought me food, and drove me to my moms. Some sort of lapse in understanding (or something) made my father go raise all sorts of hell with, "why are you making her ignore me?!" Blah blah blah, shit similar to that, and he irrationalizes everything. Every. Thing. E-v-e-r-y-t-h-i-n-g. I try to avoid drama if at all possible at school, I'm never caught up in drama, it doesn't come find me, nothing of the sort. But he does. 

My mom thinks I'm lying to her. It's partially true. I guess I'm not technically lying when I say that, I mean yes, I am avoiding confrontation, and yes I do have other reasons. but they've been reasons for years. Why would they be coming up now? 
I received a text today from my aunt (my dads sister [whom of which lives 8 hours away]) asking me why I'm ignoring him.
I would've called him by now if this wasn't such a big deal.
This is really stupid.

Ehh whatever. Football game tonight against our rivals. 
Cannot handle the hype.

May we meet again in happier times.